iPod Shuffle without iTunes

ipod shuffle The great guys at BeInSync got me an iPod-Shuffle yesterday.

The moment I started skimming through the manual I figured this a’int gonna be an easy match up. Apple seems to really want you to install iTunes, maybe it’s an attitude problem. I personaly dislike having to install software that I don’t need.

Why can we simply not use iTunes ? Because Apple intermixed iTunes and the Shuffle just to damn nicely together :-) (Read more here)

Martin Fiedler wrote a great tool that takes iTunes out of the equation. It path.os.walk()’s your iPod and builds a file with all the MP3s you’ve got there, so that the iPod knows what to play. You need to run it whenever you finish adding/removing mp3′s from your iPod, but heck it’s better than doing it all through iTunes.

There were two things I missed in Martin’s program:

  1. It has to sit in the root of the iPod’s directory-structure.
    Added a command-line argument ‘-r’ or ‘–root’. If you choose to put the program in ‘/programs/builder_db’ it will simply change to ‘/’ before starting to run, which now means you can put it wherever you want :-)
  2. There wasn’t an EXE version (it’s written in Python, what if I got to a friend and he doesn’t have Python installed ?)
    This was simple, we just use py2exe to make ourselves an executable version.

This now allows me to have the following directory structure on my Shuffle:

  • \Music – this is where I put all my music/podcasted-stuff.
  • \rebuild_db – the executable version of rebuild_db together with it’s DLLs.
  • rebuild_db.bat – this one sits in the root of the iPod and simply contains: rebuild_db\rebuild_db.exe –root –nolog

Here’s the executable program: rebuild_db.zip (1.1MB)
Here’s the modified Source: rebuild_db-0.6-pre2.zip

35 thoughts on “iPod Shuffle without iTunes

  1. Actually, there is a program which uses rebuild_db. Shuffler. It basically acts like the autofill function in iTunes, but its faster and much liter than loading up iTunes every time you want to sync.

    I have been planning out an article of how NOT to use iTunes myself, which includes managers for the iPod, iPod mini and iPod photo.

  2. it isnt working for my iPod shuffle (1gb) i have tried the .exe and the .py downloading python 2.4.
    but when i disconnect my iPod after following the steps i cant hear any music.
    i will keep on trying.
    any help please…

  3. There is an exe for the rebuild_db in the zip. You even wrote about in in the your dir structure (rebuild_db\rebuild_db.exe).

    Anywho, I’m the author of the Shuffler app (http://www.shrum.net/code/shuffler). I have a small write up on the shuffler homepage on how to set up Shuffler with the rebuild_db.exe to automatically have files randomly placed into the iPod Shuffle.

    Granted, Shuffler works theoretically with any MSC compliant device so it can be used with flash drives, palm devices, gaming consoles, etc.

    Any questions, check out the site and if you can’t find your answers there, email me (link on page).

    Enjoy your iPod w/o iPuke (um…iTunes)

  4. Bah, iTunes is excellent. Dont know why you would want to use a iPod without iTunes.

  5. OK, I AM a big dummy. I got the python version to work, but not the .exe? Could you possible include a readme with the zip or explain the steps I need to follow here?


  6. OK, I got it! I didn’t understand that I had to set everything up like you did with the music folder, etc.

    Woo hoo!

  7. Thanks for the link to the fantastic shuffle-db by Martin Fiedler.

    Quick start directions: 1. Extract rebuild_db.py (or exe) from [1]. 2. Extract [2] if iPod not initialized by iTunes. 3. Place songs in / or /Music. 4. Run rebuild_db. 5. Listen.

    Various reasons for not using iTunes: it installs 2 systray icons, and both Quicktime and iTunes bother the user with regular auto-update messages. Also, it is more convenient and logical to use the filesystem than iTunes. Also, Quicktime seems to be nagware, and the entire system is proprietary.

  8. well in a situation like mine where itunes wont even load on my laptop (xp sp2) it’s useful to have a way to use my ipod shuffle

  9. i just want to thank goldfish for leting me know abt Shuffler. its so much better than “iPuke”. Awesome, Thanks dude

  10. This is great – thanks ! Now I can use any PC without even having to install anysoftware for the shuffle.

  11. Thanks a lot people, itunes = digital facism, you couldnt make me install it with a hot poker…. Glad to skip the python install too… pythons great but shouldnt be needed to refill your mp3 player at a friends place imo. Thanks again, loading up my first pile of mp3z now now :)

  12. I have the Ipod Shuffle. I bought it off of Ebay. I love it, but I am wondering what the deal is on the back of the Ipod. I am not too smart, as I have never had one before. Sorry! What is the deal with the slide that turns it on? What are the different positions for exactly? Like I said I am an older lady who is just a little confused. LOL Thanks!

  13. The different positions are for shuffle (play songs in random order) mode and um…not-shuffle I guess you call it. Anyway, thanks for this exe/bat/source.

  14. Worked perfect without ever installing ITunes – I just had to use the directory from the sourceforge guy’s site.

  15. I am sorry but I am rather clueless when it comes to computers and keyboard related stuff. Can someone post “step by step” to help me work my ipod shuffle (2G)? I just bought my ipod shuffle and I don’t have itune installed on my computer. I really would like to be able to use my ipod shuffle as a USB storage device so I can put music in easily (and intuitively). I think Itune is rather awkward to use. Thanks a bunch.

  16. my friend gave me his shuffle and i dont have itunes. I plugged the shuffle in and manually put music files in. when i unplugged the ipod it wouldnt play music what should i do?

  17. i bought an ipod shuffle from my mate. i went to download songs but it said i need to download software from the cd i got with it but i didnt get 1 could someone please tell me were to get the softwaqre so i can start puttin songs on it
    can someone please help me

  18. I realize this is an old post, but just got a new 1GB iPod shuffle and this worked great! Never had to install iTunes at all :) Thanks!

    Used iTunes a while, never really liked it.

  19. Hey I don’t know if anyone is still monitoring this thread, but I’m a bit confused by the –root part. Any help would be appreciated (eggses@hotmail.com)

  20. From the deepest down inside mine ; I thank God I found yr blog.
    Now I can enjoy my ipod I bought for my daughters.
    SInce the beginning I tried to install itunes as its guidance. Somehow, I can’t run the itunes.
    Finally I dont need to use itunes that acctually I dont need it in my computer.

  21. 1 found two bugs i had to fix. but now it works great. thanks 8 )

    1. don’t cut and past “rebuild_db\rebuild_db.exe –root –nolog” in to notepad unless you change the font. if you look at the output from the batch you will see that the “-” get miss interpret with this font. weird i know but the – turn into a u with a accent over it.
    2. don’t use the full -root it reads the -r and then didnot know what to do with the oot. just use the -r

    you may not find this, but if you get stuck give them a try and see if it helps.

  22. Thanks for this, worked superbly though I had the same problem as lbot above and had to manually type in the bat file entry plus change -root to -r
    I also had to change the -nolog to -n (with -nolog the exe was parsing -o as well as -n)

    Just in case anybody is as stupid as me – you also have to copy the zip file inside the distribution zip file into \rebuild_db

  23. Does anyone know whether the rebuild_db script works with the 3rd generation 4gb ipod shuffle? Thanks…

  24. I have tried it, and I can tell you rebuild_db.py does NOT work on the 3rd gen shuffle. I think the voice over stuff messes it up.

  25. I would like to thank Martin Fiedler for his program and Ohad Eder-Pressman for his conversion to an exe. Also I thank the commenters here who have contributed to my understanding.

    If you run rebuild_db in a command prompt with a -h option the result is:

    V:\>rebuild_db\rebuild_db -h
    Usage: rebuild_db\rebuild_db [OPTION]… [DIRECTORY]…
    Rebuild iPod shuffle database.
    Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
    -h, –help display this help text
    -i, –interactive prompt before browsing each directory
    -v, –volume=VOL set playback volume to a value between 0 and 38
    -s, –nosmart do not use smart shuffle
    -n, –nochdir do not change directory to this scripts directory first
    -r, –root go to the root directory of the drive containing the script/executable
    -l, –nolog do not create a log file
    -L, –logfile set log file name
    Must be called from the iPod’s root directory. By default, the whole iPod is searched for playable files, unless at least one DIRECTORY is specified.

    Note that each option has two methods of invocation. The long version must be preceded by two dashes while the short version has only a single dash before one character. This explains the problem some were having.

    Clearly the directory argument offers some interesting possibilities.

    Thanks again!

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